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Table 2 Resources, scientific and process criteria

From: Studying feasibility and effects of a two-stage nursing staff training in residential geriatric care using a 30 month mixed-methods design [ISRCTN24344776]

Main reason for conducting a pilot study

Feasibility objective

Feasibility questions

Programme level

Criterion for feasibility success


Efforts for and completeness of recording data

Are the efforts for the participation in the trial reasonable?

Is enough data obtained for a reasonable decision-making?

Are the expenses justifiable?


Less than 50% the residents would not participate again in the trial or drop out during the trial (RES_1)



Less than 50% the nurses would not participate again in the trial or drop out during the trial (RES_2)



Percentage of missing values below 20% for SOPMAS, below 50% for MOTPA (RES_3)


Minimum effects (justifying further research)

Is Kinaesthetics mobilisation able to increase safety, participation and comfort as well as decrease pain for the residents?


After staff training, at least 50% of the residents

(a) perceive more safety, comfort and participation during mobilisation (at least 2 points, SCI_1)

(b) perceive less pain during mobilisation (at least 2 points) SCI_2

(c) receive a higher median SOPMAS score of item "patient movement" (at least 1 point) (SCI_3)


Is Kinaesthetics mobilisation able to decrease perceived physical strain and increase movement competence of the nurses ?


After staff training, at least 50% of the nurses

(a) perceive less physical strain during mobilisation (at least 2 points) or increased Borg values can be ascribed to improvements in body perception (SCI_4)

(b) receive a higher median SOPMAS score (at least 1 point) (SCI_5)


Continuing Participation

Will residents and nurses be ready to participate in the trial over the full period?


50% or less of the residents leave the programme on their own decision (i.e. not due to an adverse event or death (PRO_1)



30% or less of the nurses leave the programme on their own decision (i.e. not due to an adverse event, PRO_2)