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Table 2 Types of medication administration error and some observed examples in the inpatient departments of Bahir Dar FHRH, March 2014

From: Medication administration error: magnitude and associated factors among nurses in Ethiopia

Type of MAEs

Some observed examples

Technique error

Mostly during administration, the nurses used only one glove for different patients and they are not changed the glove even if it has visible contamination.

Most of the nurses did not wash their hands before medication administration.

Some of the nurses had not used safe wastage disposal system like they remain the injectable syringe and vial container at the patient bed.

Wrong route

The observer observed while Insuline given intradermally instead of subcutaneous route.

Missed drug (doss)

Quinine mostly was run for more than 8 h instead of 4 h and the 2nd dose missed.

Methrindazole IV medication mostly missed at 2 PM.

Time error

Most 6 PM medications were being given at 4:30 PM.

Documentation error

Most of the nurses did not document after administration of the drug.

If the nurses documented before administering the medications, they did not cancelled what they documented even if the patient refused or can’t afford to buy the drug.

Dose error

Instead of administering 2 g of Ceftriaxone, the nurse administered 1 g.

Usually at pediatric ward, the nurse did not calculate the exact doses of medication.

Unauthorized drug error

Instead of IV Ciprofloxaciline, IV Ceftriaxone was administered.

The observer observed a nurse while she was giving Quinine IV instead of Plasil IV.