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Table 1 Attributes and levels

From: Nurses’ job preferences on the internet plus nursing service program: a discrete choice experiment


Description given to respondents


Working modes

Refer to types of home care, include part-time working and full-time working. Nurses are affiliated to a qualified medical institution in both models.

L1 Part-time work


L2 Full-time work

Duration per visit

Refer to duration of a single visit (including round-trip transport)

L1 1 h

L2 2 h

L3 3 h

L4 4 h

Income per visit (¥)

Refers to income earned from a single visit (net revenue after removal of platform overheads and round-trip transport costs)

L1 100

L2 250

L3 400

L4 550

Personal safety management

Refers to security measures to ensure the nurses’ personal safety, including clients information verification, alarm equipment, real time position tracking, recording of the service procedure and other measures.

L1 Superior (Two nurses involved in each visit with advanced security measures offered.)

L2 Medium (One nurse involved in each visit with sufficient security measures offered.)

L3 Basic (One nurse involved in each visit with basic security measures offered.)

Medical risk prevention

Refers to the identification, assessment and management of medical risks, such as work structures, workload manageability.

L1 Superior (Sufficient medical risk prevention mechanisms which could identify potential risks and improves them.)

L2 Medium (Nearly sufficient medical risk prevention mechanisms comply with relevant regulations)

L3 Basic (Insufficient medical risk prevention mechanisms which do not comply with the relevant regulations.)

Refresher training

Refers to strength of trainings that occur after the initial qualification provided to nurses to support their knowledge and skills-building.

L1 Less than 4 h

L2 4 − 8 h

L3 More than 8 h