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Table 4 Knowledge of nurses about AI (self-intended, survey order, N=113)

From: Nurses’ perceptions, experience and knowledge regarding artificial intelligence: results from a cross-sectional online survey in Germany



n ( %)

How much do you know about AI?

I would describe myself as an AI expert.a

2 (01.8 %)

I can explain well what is meant by it.a

26 (23.4 %)

I know roughly what is meant by it.b

67 (60.4 %)

I know the term, but I don’t know what it means.b

14 (12.6 %)

I have not heard the term before.b

2 (01.8 %)

  1. aSummarized as ‘AI Connoisseurs/ Experts’ (25.2%), b ‘AI Non-Connoisseurs/-Experts’ (74.8%)