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Table 1 Theoretical foundations for the NCPF (Nursing Care Performance Framework)

From: Conceptualizing performance of nursing care as a prerequisite for better measurement: a systematic and interpretive review

NCPF three functions

Donabedian’s SPO Triad

Parsons’ functions

Systems theory

Acquiring, deploying and maintaining nursing resources

Structure: refers to characteristics that affect the ability of the nursing system to meet healthcare needs

Adaptation: relates to a nursing system’s capacity to acquire and maintain the resources it needs, develop new resources or improve allocation of its resources

Ability of the nursing system, as an open system composed of interrelated subsystems, to acquire inputs from its environment, engage in transformation processes and generate output that brings about an added value for its environment

Transforming nursing resources into nursing services

Process: refers to the nature of activities done by nurses in providing care and the characteristics of the practice environment

Production: relates to the ability of the nursing system to coordinate the efforts of its constituencies and ensure smooth functioning of processes involved in providing nursing services

Value maintenance: relates to creating and maintaining values and standards that guide choices in the design of nursing services

Producing changes in a patient’s condition as a result of providing nursing services

Outcome: refers to states of health or events that follow nursing care and are affected by nursing care

Goal attainment: relates to a nursing system’s capacity to fulfill its mission and bring about a valued state in the system’s relationships to its environments