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Table 1 Standardized factor loadings and measurement error variances for the measurement model predicting caregiver stress

From: The relationships between depression and other outcomes of chronic illness caregiving

Latent variable


Factor loading (Measurement error)

Hours of care

Hours of care

1.00a (.00)b

Stressful life events

Number of stressful life events

1.00a (.00)b

Social support

Friend/relatives positive support

1.00a (.00)b



1.00a (.00)b



1.00a (.00)b

Perceived stress

Perceived caregiver stress

1.00a (.00)b


CES-D Depressed & positive mood

.75a (.44)


CES-D Somatic symptoms

.74 (.45)


CES-D Interpersonal

.39 (.84)

Physical function

Functional health

.55a (.70)


Numbers of chronic illness

.65 (.57)


Self-rated health

.77 (.41)


Self esteem/mastery index

1.00a (.00)b

Marital satisfaction

Marital satisfaction index

1.00a (.00)b

  1. Factors and measurement errors were from the completely standardized solution. All factor loadings and measurement errors were significant at .01 level in the preliminary measurement model.
  2. a Parameter was fixed to 1.0 in the unstandardized solution.
  3. b Parameter was fixed to 0 in the unstandardized solution.