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Table 2 Examples of coding

From: A grounded theory of female adolescents' dating experiences and factors influencing safety: the dynamics of the Circle

Code list


Numeric or thematic codes

Age of dating partner

Intimacy fails to progress

Desire for intimacy

Altered peer opinion

Jealousy of peer group

Teens define what they will tolerate

Attributes of abuse

Jealousy within the couple


Attributes of a confidant

Negative effects of dating

Staying in the relationship due to overwhelming desire for relationships based on preformed ideologies

Attributes of a positive relationship

Negative dating experience


Contributing factors to abuse

Peer assessment

Hiding negative aspects of abuse


Peer accepted norms


Peer rejected norms



Peer response to abuse


Contributes to negative experience

Affect of peer on dating

The group as a source of safety


Positive dating experience

Clear definition of abuse – mismatched response to abuse

Contributes to positive experience

Physical abuse


Perceived threat

The "circle" thing source of protections

Dating experience

Positive breakup


Desire for intimacy

Response to negative experience

Failure to progress (danger)

Definition of abuse


Sense of a priori knowledge

Definition of dating

Response to sexual pressures

Play fight versus abuse

Desired dating experience


Validation versus uncertainty


Response to stocking

Searching for the prince


Response to negative (subheadings below)


Definition of intimacy


Dating experience with older boy

Response to abuse


Attributes of confidant


Developing intimacy

Response after knowing of abuse (not your own) physical, emotional, verbal, and sexual


Dating configuration


Dating differences


Dating circle


Emotional abuse

Staying in a negative relationship


Experience of a confidant


Family response to abuse

Sexual pressures


Affect of family on dating

Stages of dating


School staff response to abuse


Family response to a history of abuse


Group dating roles


Construct to follow appears