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Table 3 Hypoglycaemia (arterial blood glucose < 2.2 mmol/L)

From: Nurse-led implementation of an insulin-infusion protocol in a general intensive care unit: improved glycaemic control with increased costs and risk of hypoglycaemia signals need for algorithm revision


2004 – 5


Frequency of samples, n/N (%)1

14/15009 (0.09)

62/24459 (0.25)

Frequency of patients, n/N (%)1

12/494 (2.4)

40/448 (8.9)

Arterial blood glucose 2

1.8 mmol/L (1.3 – 2.1)

1.8 mmol/L (0.9 – 2.1)

30-day mortality (%) 3

3/12 (25)

12/40 (30)

Interval till death (days) 4

9 (0 – 533)

4 (0 – 53)

SAPS II score (deceased vs. survivors) 5

61 (39 – 86) vs 54 (26 – 75)

53 (31 – 96) vs 33 (15 – 60)

  1. Footnotes:
  2. 1. P < 0.001 (Chi Square)
  3. 2. Median (range) of blood glucose values < 2.2 mmol/L
  4. 3. 30-day mortality among hypoglycaemic patients. In-hospital mortality was 2/12 (17%) vs. (10/40 (25 %), not significant.
  5. 4. Median number of days from first hypoglycaemic episode till time of death (range)
  6. 5. Median SAPS II score (range) of hypoglycaemic patients who died vs. patients who survived