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Table 3 Nurse training program: Learning objectives

From: An efficacy trial of brief lifestyle intervention delivered by generalist community nurses (CN SNAP trial)


Learning Objectives


At the end of the training program nurses will be able to:

Create a legitimate opening to discuss lifestyle issues with clients

Assess lifestyle risk factors and readiness to change using the provided screening tools

Tailor their approach to clients stage of change (including managing client resistance, motivational interviewing and goal setting)

Use action plans to negotiate goals for behaviour change with the client


At the end of the training program nurses will have a knowledge/understanding of:

How individual clinical intervention for lifestyle risk factors fits within broader framework of policies and programs in this area.

Key recommendations/targets for behavioural risk factors

Strategies to assist clients in making lifestyle changes

Behaviour change principles (stage of change, tailoring of advice, importance of multiple interventions over time, small incremental changes in behaviour)

Available referral services and how to refer clients for more intensive intervention

Lifestyle action plans and their application


The training program will aim to develop positive nurse attitudes with respect to:

The relevance of lifestyle risk factors to their role

The scope to make a difference to individuals, families and population health through lifestyle risk factor management

The likely effectiveness of brief intervention and how this fits with a range of other interventions at the community and population level

Their role as a facilitator of change for all clients rather than a provider of information only for clients interested or able to change

Client acceptability and managing client resistance and lack of motivation/capacity for lifestyle change