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Table 1 Examples from the analysis process explaining the main category Leaders of Educational Development

From: Perceptions of preceptorship in clinical practice after completion of a continuous professional development course- a qualitative study Part II

Meaning unit

Sub category

Explain and clarify

“They [the colleagues] turn to me more frequently with all kinds of questions when it comes to teaching and that feels really good” (P3; FG 1)a

increased ability to give collegial support

Descriptions of how participants experience that colleagues turn to them for advice and support.

“My belief in myself, my self-efficacy if you want, has definitely improved. I know where to look for guidance and I am more inspired to do a good job. (P5; FG2).

increased trust in one’s abilities

Descriptions of how participants explain how they have gained inner strength through the acquired knowledge.

“I believe that reflection and why we do it has become much clearer to me, from now on I will set aside time for short daily reflections and once a week a more structured session for an hour or so” (Reflective journal #17).

increased emphasis on reflection

Descriptions of how participants have realised the importance of reflection and how they use reflection as an educational strategy.

“I really enjoy being a preceptor now, it’s like I am treated slightly different. I am not only a nurse, but a precepting nurse with knowledge and skill” (P8; FG2).

increased professional status

Descriptions of how they perceive that the new knowledge has contributed to that the complexity of preceptorship is acknowledged by others.

  1. aP indicates participant and F G stands for Focus Group i.e., P 3, F G 1 = participant number 3 in focus group number 1