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Table 1 Respondent Demographics

From: Counseling patients and family members in out-of-hospital emergency situations: a survey for emergency staff

Respondents’ background (N = 142)

N (%)

Age (n = 142)


 Under 25 years old

 25–34 years old

 35–44 years old

 Over 45 years old

23 (16.2)

55 (38.7)

40 (28.2)

24 (16.9)

Sex (n = 142)




71 (50)

71 (50)

Current job (n = 142)


 Basic level emergency care

 Advanced level emergency care

93 (65.5)

49 (34.5)

Qualification (n = 142)


 Emergency Medical Technician/Hospital & Ambulance

56 (39.4)

 Attendant or Practical Nurse



86 (60.6)

Employment (n = 142)



 On contract

106 (74.6)

36 (25.4)

Work experience in current position (n = 141)


 Less than 1.5 years

 1.5 years–2.4 years

 2.5 or more

33 (23.4)

76 (53.9)

32 (22.7)

Work experience in health services (n = 140)


 Less than 3 years

 3–8 years

 8 years or more

25 (17.8)

55 (39.3)

60 (42.9)