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Table 1 Overview of the training program

From: Development and evaluation of a modified brief assertiveness training for nurses in the workplace: a single-group feasibility study






· Making groups (three members per group)

· Self-introductions to get to know each other

· Outline of the program and sharing the rules

What is assertive

· Teaching what assertiveness is, the right to assert oneself, and communication patterns

How to communicate assertively

· Teaching skills necessary for assertive communication

Making requests

· Using assertive skills (making requests through role-play).

Reviewing and setting an action plan

· Reviewing and summarizing the day’s session

· Setting an action plan (homework)


Reviewing previous session

· Reviewing what we have learned in the previous session.

· Sharing what I have done as homework with group members.

Improving cognitive flexibility (restructuring dysfunctional thoughts)

· Using cognitive restructuring technique (Thought Challenging Record) to replace stress-inducing thought with more accurate, balanced, and less rigid thinking.

Declining requests

· Using assertive skills (declining requests through role-play).

Giving and receiving praise

· Using assertive skills (giving and receiving praise through role-play).

Reviewing and setting action plan

· Reviewing and summarizing the day’s session

· Setting an action plan