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Table 1 Strategies developed in managing their diabetes

From: “Can you keep it real?” : Practical, and culturally tailored lifestyle recommendations by Mexican American women diagnosed with type 2 diabetes: A qualitative study



Environmental Controls

o Make your own burgers and tacos

o Cook more at home

o Go to the grocery store alone

o Avoid aisles in the grocery store that have the food items on sale that are bad for you

o Remove temptation from your home

o Not making tortillas helps because when you buy, once the package is gone, they are gone

Avoid Overeating/Stress Eating

o Don’t let yourself get hungry

o Limit in between snacking

o Keep active, walk

o When you feel stressed or want to eat go for a walk

o Drink more water

o Satisfy the craving from the beginning so that you don’t keep eating foods you don’t really want

Lifestyle Changes

o (Eat) Foods better for you the sugar in their bodies

o You can eat anything you want-even menudo-just limit the amount

o Get into a routine

o The progress takes time, don’t do everything at once, just step by step

o Make separate meals

o Smaller portions of the foods you love

o Eat whole wheat flour tortillas

o Get away from processed foods

o Tortillas-flour, limit to once a week

o Eat earlier in the evening


o Put them (kids) first

o (Think) Your family is going to be healthier

o Go to the grocery store alone

o They may not like it at first, just keep trying, think of what will happen to you

o Set the table and serve the food, no choices

o Put 2% or 1% milk in the whole milk container, keep the same label, family thinks they are drinking whole milk

Cooking Tips

o Don’t drink regular coke-try lemonade with Splenda® or water

o Learn how to use the steamer, broiler, and oven

o Stick with natural foods

Active Self-Management

o Ask (health care providers and other staff) what exactly you should eat to take care of your diabetes

o See her doctor to make sure she is on the right medicines

o See your dietitian

o Take medicines religiously