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Table 1 Study Variables/Constructs

From: How do nurse consultant job characteristics impact on job satisfaction? An Australian quantitative study

Study Variables/Definition

Survey items included in each Construct/Variable

Job satisfaction: The extent to which respondents liked and were satisfied with their job.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements? (scale 1-strongly disagree to 5 – strong agree)

 • I am often bored with my job (reversed)

 • Most days I am enthusiastic about my job

 • I am not happy with my job (reversed)

 • Overall, I am satisfied with my job.

Role clarity: The extent to which the respondent knows what is expected of them and what their responsibilities are in the job.

How true is each of the following statements about your job? (scale from 1 – Not at all to 5 - To a great extent)

 • I know what my responsibilities are

 • I know exactly what is expected of me

 • I have a clear idea of what has to be done in my job

Role conflict: Perceived extent of inconsistent expectations and obligations – conflicting and incompatible demands

How true is each of the following statements about your job? (scale from 1 – Not at all to 5 - To a great extent)

 • People at work make conflicting demands on me

 • I receive incompatible requests from different people at work

 • I do things at work which are accepted by one person but not by another

Job autonomy: Perceived degree of autonomy & discretion in decision making about their jobs duties

In your CNC / CMC role, to what extent can you? (scale from 1 – Not at all to 5 - To a great extent)

 • Determine methods you use

 • Choose what work you do

 • Vary how you do your work

 • Plan your own work

 • Do work in a way you think best

Job support: Perceived level of role support from line manager in the form of constructive feedback, care and concern, assistance with difficult tasks and praise and appreciation.

How much of the following do you normally receive from your line manager? (Scale from 1 - none to 5 - a great deal)

 • Constructive feedback on job performance

 • Care and concern

 • Useful information

 • Help with difficult tasks

 • Praise and appreciation

  1. Definitions taken from Guest et al., 2001 [27]