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Table 1 Interview questions for nursing students

From: Heart health whispering: A randomized, controlled pilot study to promote nursing student perspective-taking on carers’ health risk behaviors

Question #1

 Full intervention group

Can you describe your thoughts and feelings about the empathic technique when you applied it with the carer to help you understand his or her thoughts and feelings about health-risk behaviour?

 Partial intervention group

Can you describe the approach that you took with the carer to help you understanding his or her thoughts and feelings about the health-risk behavior?

Can you describe your thoughts and feelings about the approach you took with the carer to help you understand his or her thoughts and feelings about health-risk behavior?

Question #2

 Full intervention and Partial intervention groups

Can you tell me whether you think that the empathic technique (or approach you took) helped you to better understand the carer’s thoughts and feelings about health-risk behavior?

Prompt: If yes, I would be interested in knowing ‘how’ the intervention (or approach you took) helped you?

Prompt: Did the intervention (or the approach you took) affect how you felt about the carer?

Prompt: Did the intervention (or approach you took) affect your behavior toward the carer? How did the intervention (or approach you took) affect your behavior toward the carer? Can you describe whether your approach in trying to understand health-risk behaviors is different now since you learned this new technique (full intervention group only)?

Prompt: Can you tell me whether you plan to continue using this technique (or your approach) to help you understand health-risk behaviors of patients and carers better? If no, why not? If yes, why?

Prompt: I am also interested in knowing if the technique (or approach you took) caused you to learn something different about yourself and how you view health-risk behaviors?

Question #3

 Full intervention and Partial intervention groups

As a last question, is there anything else you would like to add to help the researchers of this study develop this intervention to help student nurses talk with carers about health- risk behaviors? Example: Were there any comments or concerns about the appropriateness and clarity of demographic data questions and the video-tagging exercise?