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Table 1 Description sessions at the intervention group

From: "Teaching: Individual" to increase adherence to therapeutic regimen in people with hypertension and type-2 diabetes: protocol of the controlled clinical trial ENURSIN.

Sessions [11]

Definition [11]

Duration (minutes)

Support material

Behavior modification

Promotion of a behavior change


−Educational booklet with worksheets: motivation is the key to successful compliance with my treatment.


Diabetes mellitus

Teaching: Disease Process

Assisting the patient to understand information related to a specific disease process


−Educational booklet with worksheets: once aware of my disease, I will assume my own care responsibly: hypertension and/or diabetes mellitus

Teaching: Prescribed Medication

Preparing a patient to safely take prescribed medications and monitor for their effects


−Educational booklet with worksheets: medication is the key to controlling hypertension and/or diabetes mellitus


−Medicaments card

Teaching: Prescribed Diet

Preparing a patient to correctly follow a prescribed diet


−Educational booklet with worksheets: Feed yourself properly, and feel healthy: pick your own recipe for control of hypertension and/or diabetes mellitus

Teaching: Prescribed Exercise

Preparing a patient to achieve and/or maintain a prescribed level of activity


−Educational booklet with worksheets: I exercise my body, improve my health and help control my disease.


Diabetes mellitus

Coping Enhancement

Assisting a patient to adapt to perceived stressors, changes, or threats that interfere with meeting life demands and roles


−Educational booklet with worksheets: I control my stress and improve my physical and mental health