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Table 5 Examples of Language Clarity Issues Identified from Cognitive Interviews

From: Hospital survey on patient safety culture (HSOPSC): a multi-method approach for target-language instrument translation, adaptation, and validation to improve the equivalence of meaning for cross-cultural research

Translation issue





Spanish words do not convey intended construct


Crisis mode or “modo de crisis”

Description of issue: “Crisis mode” translates to “modo de crisis” en other Spanish speaking countries. The concept exists in Peru but translates differently.

English question: We work in “crisis mode” trying to do too much, too quickly.

Initial translation: Trabajamos en “modo de crisis”, tratando de hacer demasiado y muy rápidamente.

Final translation: Trabajamos bajo presión intentando realizar demasiadas cosas muy rápidamente.



Perden or to lose for “falls through the cracks”

Description: “Falls between the cracks” translates into Spanish as “perden” or to lose things which is slightly different in meaning for participants.

English question: Things “fall between the cracks” when transferring patients from one unit to another.

Initial translation: Las cosas se pierden cuando los pacientes son transferidos de una unidad a otra.

Final translation: La información y/o objetos de los pacientes se pierde cuando éstos se transfieren de una unidad a otra.

Spanish words are unfamiliar or have different meanings in some cultures or different nationalities


Importante información for specific information important to patient safety

Description of issue: Information is a generic word in Spanish and the participants wanted further clarification about what information (e.g. documents or forms) is important.

English question: Important patient care information is often lost during shift changes.

Initial translation: Con frecuencia se pierde importante información sobre el cuidado del paciente durante los cambios de turno.

Final translation: Se pierde a menudo información importante de cuidado de pacientes durante cambios de turno.



Linking the meaning of mistakes to chance through the phrase “por casualidad”

Description of issue: The phrase for chance in Peru exists but linking this to mistakes that occur in the hospital requires careful word order arrangement.

English question: It is just by chance that more serious mistakes don’t happen around here.

Initial translation: Aquí no suceden errores más serios sólo por casualidad.

Final translation: Es sólo por casualidad que errores más serios no suceden aquí.