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Table 6 Overview of the central findings related to the key characteristics of WELCOME-IdA

From: Process evaluation of the response of nursing homes to the implementation of the dementia-specific case conference concept WELCOME-IdA: A qualitative study



Role structure


 − Internal or external person

− Often external moderator

 − Training in moderating the DSCC

− Training in moderating the DSCC, regular peer debriefing

 − Task: Ensure adherence to the method

− Task: Ensure adherence to method, e.g., by defining a certain seating arrangement

 − Task: Ensure adherence to time frame

− Task: Ensure adherence to the time frame (partly performed by an additional co-moderator)

 − Task: Ensure adherence to roles

− Task: Ensure adherence to roles and define rules for temporarily stepping out of one’s role

− Task: Gain experience in each role and be a reference person for less experienced colleagues (peer support)

 Case reporter

 − Internal person, primary caregiver of the resident

− Internal person, both the primary caregiver and a trained moderator

 − Task: Prepare necessary case information

− Task: Prepare necessary case information, partly performed by two persons in tandem

 − Task: Present the initial problem and define expectations for the DSCC

− Task: Present the initial problem and define expectations for the DSCC; process all IdA domains (a-e) in preparation for the DSCC and pre-select domain(s) for the behaviour analysis

 − Task: Ensure subsequent integration of agreed upon care interventions into daily nursing practice

− Task: Ensure subsequent integration of agreed-upon care interventions into daily nursing practice (partly performed by a trained moderator/leading ward nurse)

 Keeper of the minutes

 − Internal person

− Both an internal person and external person

 − Task: Complete the IdA during the DSCC

− Task: Complete the IdA during the DSCC; in case of previously completed domains, document solely changes resulting from the discussion

 − Task: Document central results in a protocol

− Task: Document central results in a protocol, partly with the collaboration of additional keepers of the minutes

 Reflection partner

 − 2–5 internal persons (core team members)

− Different persons, no core team, a mixture of nursing staff from different wards, inclusion of social service staff

 − Tasks: Answer the IdA questions by gathering and supplementing information, provide critical but supportive feedback, form hypotheses and develop hypothesis-driven care interventions

− Tasks: Answer the IdA questions by gathering and supplementing information, provide critical but supportive feedback, form hypotheses and develop hypothesis-driven care interventions

Group size

  − 5–8 participants

− Expanded group size to include more staff members, reduced group size due to small size of facility

Core nursing teams

 − 2–5 people should continuously participate in every DSCC

− No core nursing team due to several reasons: ad hoc selection of DSCC participants; aim to include more staff members; small size of facility; and absence of staff due to vacation, illness, and part-time employment

Process structure

 Formal preparation for the DSCC

 − Invitation of DSCC participants

− Invitation of DSCC participants, planning compensatory staff

 − Recording of time and date in the duty roster

− Recording of time and date in the duty roster early

 Selection of the case

 − Suggestions made by any team member and decision made by the team

− Suggestions can be made by any team member; decision is mostly made by the team based on observed difficulties

− DSCC is repeated in case of failed interventions

 Handling of the IdA in preparation for the DSCC

− Use of the IdA to outline, at minimum, the problem to be discussed and expectations for the DSCC

− Processing of all IdA domains (a-e) in advance and pre-selection of domains for the behaviour analysis, both performed by the case reporter

 Additional information

− Collection and preparation of background information on the resident

− Collection and preparation of biographical and medical background information on the resident

 Handling of the IdA in the DSCC

− Formulation of hypotheses after the discussion of each domain

− Formulation of hypotheses after the discussion of each domain, in part and only at one point after the discussion of all domains

− Use of all five domains

− Use of selected domains; the number depends on the case characteristics and time frame of the DSCC

 Dissemination of information

− Dissemination of information about the results of the DSCC to entire nursing team and documentation of results in the nursing record

− Dissemination of information about the results of the DSCC to the entire nursing team through verbal briefing, flip chart documentation, written minutes and/or the intranet and documentation of results in the nursing record; difficulty of disseminating information to night and part-time staff

 Delivery of the care interventions

− Integration of hypothesis-driven care intervention into nursing practice after the DSCC

− Integration of hypothesis-driven care intervention into nursing practice after the DSCC

− Difficulty of defining reasonable time frames for the delivery of interventions and of ensuring timely delivery in case of multiple interventions

− Inhibiting factors: involvement of external people, vacation time, and overall high workload

− Promoting factors: defined responsibility and defined time limit

 Evaluation of the care interventions

− Evaluation at the beginning of the subsequent DSCC

− Shifting evaluation to team meetings due to a lack of DSCC participant continuity

− Partly visual evaluation system suitable for prompt and ongoing evaluation

  1. Key
  2. WELCOME-IdA Wittener model of case conferences for people with dementia, DSCC dementia-specific case conference, IdA Innovative dementia-oriented Assessment System