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Table 3 CFIR domains, constructs and supplementary evaluation

From: Implementing dedicated education units in 6 European undergraduate nursing and midwifery students clinical placements

Consolidated framework for implementation research domains

Supplementary evaluation

Intervention characteristics

Outer setting

Inner setting

Characteristics of individuals



- Adaptability

- Complexity

- Cost

- Design quality and packaging

- Evidence strength and quality

-Intervention source

- Relative advantage


- Cosmopolitanism

- External policy and incentives

- Patient needs and resources

- Peer pressure

- Culture

- Implementation climate (tension for change, goals & feedback, relative priority, compatibility, learning climate, organizational incentives & rewards)

- Networks and communication

- Readiness for implementation (available resources, leadership engagement, access to knowledge & information)

- Structural characteristics

- Knowledge and beliefs about the intervention

- Individual stage of change

- Individual identification with the organization

- Self-efficacy

- Other personal attributes

- Engaging (champions, formally appointed implementation leaders, external change agents, opinion leaders)

- Executing

- Planning

- Reflecting and evaluating

- Students and nurses/midwives focus groups.

- CLES-T questionnaire for undergraduate students.

- PES-NWI survey for nurses/midwifes.

- Open-ended questions for nurses/midwives.