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Table 1 Steps of the PBL-based intervention

From: Does problem-based learning education improve knowledge, attitude, and perception toward patient safety among nursing students? A randomized controlled trial

1st step

Reading the problem scenario and encouraging students to clarify vague concepts

2nd step

Defining the problem by the instructor

3rd step

Brainstorming and group discussion about the problem

4th step

Listing facts and generating hypotheses based on the scenario content, and answering the questions based on the nursing process to achieve educational goals.

5th step

Reaching a consensus on learning objectives within the group and the instructor assurance of achieving complete, comprehensive and appropriate goals

6th step

Conducting independent and group study to gather information using the library and the internet from resources introduced

7th step

Presenting and analyzing the solutions based on the hypotheses, goals and questions, conducting interdisciplinary discussion, summarizing and evaluating the presented solutions by the instructor