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Table 1 Mindfulness-based Cognitive Programme.

From: Effects of a group mindfulness-based cognitive programme on smartphone addictive symptoms and resilience among adolescents: study protocol of a cluster-randomized controlled trial


Supervised Practices

Home Practices

(15 min/day x 6 days a week)

Session (90 min)

Mindfulness-based cognitive technique


Session 1

- Foster a secure, cohesive group environment devoted to the cultivation of mindfulness

- Inform group norms and privacy of participants

- Invite children to pair off and introduce themselves

- Hand the half-full cup to the next child and not to spill any water

- Draw on the front cover of the notebook ‘Mindfulness in Everyday Life’

- Cultivate mindfulness with breathing: Practice mindful breathing

- Discussion: the differences between the experiences of mindful breathing and usual breathing

- Mindful breathing lying down

- Mindful breathing sitting up

- Living with awareness


Session 2

- Review home practices from previous session

- Practice mindful breathing

- Discussion: what is the purpose of practicing mindfulness in life?

- Introduce mindful awareness of breath, body sensations and movements: eating, walk around the school hall

- Living with awareness

- Mindful breathing

- Mindful eating


Session 3

- Review home practices from previous session

- Practice mindful breathing

- Describe thoughts and feelings after hearing a short scene description

- Listen the sound of bell ringing and the silence followed

- Discussion: what was it like to observe the inside of the body with mindful attention? what did you notice about silence that we might not normally notice?

- Mindful breathing

- Mindfulness of the body

- Pleasant events


Session 4

- Review home practices from previous session

- Practice mindful breathing

- Enhance awareness to thoughts and feelings associated with food by practicing mindful eating

- Understand that thoughts, feelings and body sensations are subjective experience: compare and discuss the differences between the mindful eating and the usual eating experiences

- Cultivate mindfulness in body movement: practice several yoga postures

- Three-minute breathing space

- Mindful yoga movements

- Tasting fruits


Session 5

- Review home practices from previous session

- Practice mindful breathing

- Introduce mindful hearing: listen to music

- Discussion: what made us each have different responses to the same piece of music?

- Practice awareness to body sensation: pay attention to sensations in the body

- Three-minute breathing space

- Mindfulness of the body

- Mindful listening


Session 6

- Review home practices from previous session

- Practice mindful breathing

- Practice using sounds to express emotions: Be a conductor to guide the group to create music

- Discussion: how is it that we don’t have the same thoughts and feelings when we hear the same thing?

- Cultivate mindfulness in body movement: practice several yoga postures

- Three-minute breathing space

- Mindful yoga movements

- Unpleasant sounds


Session 7

- Review home practices from previous session

- Practice mindful breathing

- Learn to differentiate between judging and noting: practice mindful seeing

- Practice mindful body movement: perform several yoga postures

- Visualization with clarity: Draw a picture of the phone the children use most often

- Discussion: how is seeing from your ‘Mind’s Eyes’ different from seeing with your real eyes?

- Three-minute breathing space

- Seeing the little detail

- Stressful events


Session 8

- Review home practices from previous session

- Practice mindful breathing

- Learn to shift attention with purpose and intention: practice mindful seeing and discussion

- Differentiate descriptive observations with feelings, thoughts and body sensations: practice mindful stretching

- Three-minute breathing space

- Choosing to be aware

- Seeing five new things


Session 9

- Review home practices from previous session

- Practice mindful breathing

- Deepen awareness of judgement and how judgment influence one’s perceptions of the things we touch: practice mindful touch

- Practice awareness to body sensation: pay attention to all sorts of sensations in the body

- Three-minute breathing space

- Mindfulness of the body

- Mindful touching


Session 10

- Review home practices from previous session

- Practice mindful breathing

- Practice mindful smelling: Smell the scents inside a container and describe it with one adjective

- Discussion: reflection on how judgments and emotional reactivity change the nature of experience

- Practice mindful body movement: perform several yoga postures

- Three-minute breathing space

- Mindful yoga movements

- Mindful smelling


Session 11

- Review home practices from previous session

- Practice mindful breathing and mindful eating

- Review of concepts and skills learned in previous sessions

- Consolidate insights gained over the past weeks

- Understand that beliefs and expectations are often inaccurate: Listen to a four sentence-story and write down what the children think about the story

- Understand how emotions affect an interpretation of an event: Listen to a story, see and feel it by imaging themselves as part of it

- Draw on the back cover of the notebook ‘Mindful in Everyday Life’

- Three-minute breathing space

- Letter to my self


Session 12

- Review home practices from previous session

- Practice mindful breathing

- Discussion: personal experiences in the past 12 weeks; ways to continue to cultivate mindful awareness in daily lives.
