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Table 2 Formative evaluation: Checklist of the most important NIC interventions and its related nursing activities [28] selected by nursing students in Exacerbation of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) simulated scenario

From: Comparing formative and summative simulation-based assessment in undergraduate nursing students: nursing competency acquisition and clinical simulation satisfaction

[3350] Respiratory Monitoring



Monitor rate, rhythm, depth, and effort of respirations


Auscultate lung sounds after treatments to note results


Note changes in SaO2, SvO2, end tidal CO2, and ABG values, as appropriate


Monitor for increased restlessness, anxiety, and air hunger


Institute respiratory therapy treatments (e.g., nebuliser), as needed


[3302] Mechanical Ventilation Management: Noninvasive



Monitor for conditions indicating the appropriateness of noninvasive ventilation support (e.g., acute exacerbations of COPD)


Consult with other health care personnel in selection of a noninvasive ventilator type (e.g., pressure limited [bilevel positive airway pressure], volume-cycled flow-limited, or CPAP)


Instruct the patient and family about the rationale and expected sensations associated with the use of noninvasive mechanical ventilators and devices


Place the patient in semi-Fowler position


Apply noninvasive device, assuring adequate fit and avoidance of large air leaks (take particular care with edentulous or bearded patients)


[5820] Anxiety Reduction



Use a calm, reassuring approach


Clearly state expectations for patient’s behaviour


Explain all procedures, including sensations likely to be experienced during the procedure


Provide factual information concerning diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis


Stay with the patient to promote safety and reduce fear