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Table 1 Person-level and observation-level data

From: Mealtime caregiving approaches and behavioral symptoms in persons living with dementia: a longitudinal, observational study


Mean (SD)

n (%)

Person-level data (n = 30)


85.63 (6.67)





28 (93.33)



2 (6.98)

 Education level

   < Middle school (6 years of education)


16 (53.33)

   > Middle school


14 (46.67)


  Total score

4.50 (2.74)


  Severity scorea

1.75 (0.71)


 Total number of medications

6.83 (3.50)


 Taking dementia medication



28 (93.33)



2 (6.67)

Observation-level data (n = 86)



  MMSE score

2.81 (5.18)


  CDR score

16.42 (2.24)


  CSDD score

3.72 (3.44)


  ADL score

18.51 (2.21)



   Total duration

7.94 (27.62)


   Aggressive behavior

0.08 (0.27)


   Physically nonaggressive behavior

6.20 (27.43)


   Verbally agitated behavior

1.65 (4.41)



  Person-centered behavior

    Verbal behaviorb

0.56 (0.72)


    Nonverbal behaviorc

0.10 (0.13)


  Task-centered behavior

    Verbal behaviorb

0.35 (0.63)


    Nonverbal behaviorc

0.04 (0.08)


  No interaction

    No verbal responseb

3.36 (2.68)


    No nonverbal responsec

0.91 (0.44)

  1. Note. ADL Activities of Daily Living, CDR Clinical Dementia Rating, CIRS-G Cumulative Illness Rating Scale-Geriatric, CMAI Cohen-Mansfield Agitation Inventory, CSDD Cornell Scale for Depression in Dementia, MMSE Mini Mental Status Exam
  2. a Total CIRS-G score / total number of categories endorsed; b Frequency per minute; c Second per minute