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Table 1 Results for each of the variables in the sleep habits questionnaire

From: Relationship between sleep habits and academic performance in university Nursing students

1. Is it difficult for you to maintain a regular schedule for waking up and going to sleep?

When the students were asked if they usually maintained a regular schedule for waking up and going to sleep, 75.1 % had difficulties in establishing a regular schedule.

2. Do you change your sleep routines on the weekends and vacation?

Most (90 %) of the subjects admitted changing their sleep routines during the weekends.

3. Is it usual for you to take short naps at any point in the day?

31.2 % (125 subjects) confirmed that they did not take naps, whereas the majority of the students doing so (68.8 %).

4. Do you easily lose a night of sleep?

Almost half (47.9 %) of the Nursing students expressed that they lost a night of sleep during the last month.

5. Do you prefer to study for an exam at night?

34 % preferred to study at night.

6. In general, do your work and/or academic activities mean that you have to bed late to achieve your objectives?

72.5 % of the Nursing students recognized that their work and/or academic activities require going to sleep late.

7. Do you prefer to sleep late to obtain better study results?

47.6 % of the students manifested that they preferred going to sleep late to obtain better results from studying. This percentage increased when asked if they believed that going to sleep late improved their academic results.

8. Do you work, read the newspaper or academic documents just before going to sleep?

56.4 % worked or read academic documents right before going to bed.

9. Do you usually listen to music before going to bed?

47.4 % usually listened to music before going to bed.

10. Do you usually watch television before going to bed?

88.8 % often watched television before going to sleep.

11. Do you go out at night if you have to wake up early the next day to go to class or work?

50.4 % of the students recognized not having done this on any night during the past month.