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Table 4 Quotes Theme I: Feeling powerless and aggressive

From: Nursing management of fatigue in cancer patients and suggestions for clinical practice: a mixed methods study

Quote 1, Paoloa: “it started suddenly without a reason, I no longer do anything, almost as if I went in hibernation. I’m just the ghost of myself.”

Quote 2, Simona: “I had an episode of aggressiveness, by nature I’m not an aggressive person, but for a silly thing I suddenly flared up and shouted!”.”

Quote 3, Giulia: “you no longer feel like reading, like taking your life in your hands, you no longer feel like going to the supermarket, you choose a time when there’s no-one, because when you are unwell everything seems too much”

Quote 4, Paola “there were times when I couldn’t go out of my home. It was tremendous because I’ve always been independent.”

Quote 5, Elena: “I’m a teacher and I tried to mark my students’ work, but I realized that when I edited the file, I no longer remembered what my student had written.”

  1. aAll the patients’ names reported in the tables are pseudonyms