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Table 3 The Reflection on Clinical Practice Questionnaire for Nursing Students (36 items)

From: Development and psychometric evaluation of a reflection on clinical practice questionnaire for nursing students







1. I am willing to perform specialized, complex, non-routine activities.


2. I perform my duties as a nurse with care and concentration.


3. I try to keep my academic knowledge and clinical skills up-to-date.


4. I perform my duties with self-confidence.


5. I treat clinical situations with curiosity.


6. I am willing to acquire independence in performing my nursing duties.


7. I am not afraid of encountering difficult clinical situations and performing complex procedures.


8. I imagine myself in my patients’ situations in order to understand and analyze their problems better.


9. I feel responsible for solving my patients’ problems and relieving their pain.


10. I am accountable for my activities as a nurse.


11. My beliefs help me reflect on my clinical practice.


12. My work conscience helps me reflect on my clinical practice.


13. My belief in showing respect for human values helps me reflect on my clinical practice.


14. My interest in the field of nursing helps me reflect on my clinical practice.


15. My desire for progress and success helps me reflect on my clinical practice.


16. Encountering complicated clinical situations helps me reflect on my clinical practice.


17. Encountering questions and challenges in the clinical environment helps me reflect on my clinical practice.


18. Fear of making mistakes in clinical situations helps me reflect on my clinical practice.


19. Inadequate academic and practical preparation for performing clinical activities makes me reflect on my clinical practice.


20. Clinical behaviors contrary to the principles of patient care make me reflect on clinical practice.


21. My instructors’ feedback and assignments related to patient care make me reflect on encountered situations.


22. Having to perform nursing activities makes me reflect on encountered situations or my performance as a nurse.


23. Active learning methods, e.g. formulating questions and case-based learning, make me reflect on encountered situations or my performance as a nurse.


24. Interaction with my instructors makes me reflect on encountered situations or my performance as a nurse.


25. Interprofessional relationships based on respect make me reflect on encountered situations or my performance as a nurse.


26. When reflecting on clinical situations, I reflect on the consequences of my measures as a nurse.


27. When reflecting on clinical situations, I contemplate all the events in my mind.


28. I analyze clinical matters from different perspectives in my mind.


29. When reflecting on clinical situations, I engage in self-questioning to find solutions to problems.


30. When reflecting on taken clinical measures, I consult others to obtain the information I need.


31. When reflecting on taken clinical measures, I search in scientific sources to obtain the information I need.


32. Reflecting on clinical situations helps me do my job correctly and according to the principles of professional ethics.


33. Reflecting on clinical situations helps me provide evidence-based care.


34. Reflecting on clinical situations helps me share my experiences with others to improve the quality of nursing care.


35. Reflecting on clinical situations helps me feel calm and satisfied.


36. Reflecting on clinical situations helps me participate in patient education.