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Table 1 Survey structure; fundamental care areas and sub-categories of care

From: Fundamental nursing care in patients with the SARS-CoV-2 virus: results from the ‘COVID-NURSE’ mixed methods survey into nurses’ experiences of missed care and barriers to care

Section: Care area

Subsection: Sub-category of care

1. Physical

1. Hygiene, personal cleansing and toileting

2. Eating and drinking

3. Rest and sleep

4. Mobility

5. Patient comfort

6. Patient safety

7. Medication management

2. Relational

1. Establishing a relationship with patients

2. Talking and listening

3. Non-verbal communication

4. Shared decision-making

5. Communicating with relatives, carers and significant others

3. Psychosocial

1. Dignity and respect

2. Respecting patients’ values and beliefs

3. Wellbeing, anxiety and depression