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Table 6 Percentage of respondents selecting each barrier to care (average and range across sub-categories)

From: Fundamental nursing care in patients with the SARS-CoV-2 virus: results from the ‘COVID-NURSE’ mixed methods survey into nurses’ experiences of missed care and barriers to care


Physical Care

Relational Care

Psychosocial care

Wearing PPE

33% (21–44%)

61% (37–77%)

44% (36–48%)

Severity of the patient’s condition

41% (33–50%)

29% (21–47%)

37% (35–39%)

Difficulties taking items / equipment in and out of isolation rooms for patients nursed in these environments

38% (28–54%)

13% (9–18%)

17% (13–21%)

Lack of time

22% (12–29%)

31% (24–41%)

37% (30–40%)

Lack of personnel, skill mix, catering, housekeeping or dietetic support

30% (11–38%)

12% (9–17%)

24% (20–27%)

Lack of knowledge about COVID-19

23% (13–34%)

16% (8–28%)

25% (18–30%)

Not enough physical resources such as equipment/washing facilities/stock items e.g. water jugs, disposable cups, patients’ teeth

24% (12–28%)

12% (4–34%)

14% (10–19%)

Fear of catching COVID-19

21% (13–30%)

19% (11–25%)

23% (22–24%)

Frequent changes in hospital, Trust or organizational policies

22% (15–35%)

12% (7–20%)

15% (14–15%)

Lack of appropriate PPE

17% (11–26%)

8% (5–11%)

10% (10%)

Lack of ability to establish a meaningful rapport with the patient

9% (5–17%)

15% (12–22%)

14% (11–19%)

Lack of information about the ward or patient

10% (6–14%)

9% (7–11%)

16% (12–24%)

Competing requirements of essential medical interventions

15% (13–20%)

9% (4–11%)

11% (10–13%)

Lack of ability to regulate the environment (noise level, lighting, remote monitoring)

42% (34–49%)



Lack of relevant personal expertise

11% (6–16%)

7% (4–11%)

11% (9–12%)

Lack of personal psychological support

7% (5–10%)

7% (5–10%)

11% (7–17%)

Lack of personal emotional capacity

6% (2–9%)

7% (5–10%)

9% (7–14%)

Lack of access to changing facilities for PPE

9% (6–17%)

4% (2–5%)

5% (4–7%)

Lack of leadership from senior nurses or managers

8% (5–13%)

6% (3–9%)

8% (7–10%)

Lack of privacy for the patient




Inability to meet the patient’s dietary requirements





5% (3–7%)

5% (2–17%)

7% (6–9%)

  1. aNo range provided as barrier only offered as an option for one sub-category of care