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Table 1 List of the Q statements

From: Exploration of the experiences of working stressors and coping strategies associated with menstrual symptoms among nurses with shifting schedules: a Q methodology investigation

Category of Q statements

Items of Q statements

A. Deficiency of professional function


¬ Patient care

I cannot concentrate and frequently am distracted during work.

Even if I have to take a leave because of menstrual symptoms, I still worry about my patients.

I cannot take good care of my patients.

I cannot ‘abandon my patients’ due to my responsibility.

Patients or family members may consider me impatient due to my tone and this affects my relationship with patients.

¬ Professional responsibility

I may neglect some details during my work.

I cannot rest peacefully due to my professional responsibility.

It is perceived negatively if I take a rest in nursing station.

I cannot take leave because of my professional responsibility.

Due to menstrual symptoms, I lost my enthusiasm for nursing care.

B. Menstrual symptoms burden


¬ Physical burden

Workload, stress, and prolonged standing or walking, can worsen my menstrual symptoms.

Due to menstrual symptoms, my efficiency during work worsened.

Due to menstrual symptoms, I feel easily tired.

Due to menstrual symptoms, I have become less responsive.

¬ Cognitive burden

Due to menstrual symptoms, I have no patience for anything.

I always regret being impatient easily.

Due to menstrual symptoms, I seldom think.

¬ Psychological burden

Due to menstrual symptoms, my mood is unstable.

Due to menstrual symptoms, I am easily irritable.

Due to menstrual symptoms, I have a negative mood towards my family members.

C. Interfering collaboration with colleagues


If I take leave due to menstrual symptoms, it will cause trouble for my head nurse.

Taking menstrual leave may result in a bad impression by my head nurse and will affect my credit or promotion.

I worry my poor efficiency in work may affect my occupational and interpersonal relationships.

I worry I may be labeled and considered to be exaggerating or a fake.

I worry my colleagues’ workload may increase if I take leave.

I worry my colleagues will consider me difficult to work with due to my persistent menstrual symptoms.

My unit is short on manpower, there is no way I can take a menstrual leave.

I am unwell physically and no colleague is available to replace/ assist me.

Colleagues did not take leave due to menstrual symptoms, so I will not either.

D. Self-management coping


¬ With medication use

I have pain-killers on hand in case of need.

I took pain-killers to control my menstrual symptoms.

I will take pain-killers beforehand so I can maintain my efficiency in work.

I worry about developing dependence for pain-killers.

When I anticipate a greater workload, I will increase my dose of pain-killers.

¬ Without medication use

I finish my work as soon as possible so as to back to nursing station for rest.

I use hot packs or special postures to lessen menstrual symptoms.

I prepare myself with self-encouragement if I anticipate menstrual symptoms will occur.

I reduce talking to maintain physical strength.

I use willpower to tolerate menstrual symptoms until my work is done.

The pain is intermittent, I tolerate pain by distracting my attention.

I want to lie in bed to reducing the discomfort of menstrual symptoms.

E. Colleague support


My colleagues are empathic and can accept me.

Colleagues will volunteer to help when I suffer from menstrual pain.

The atmosphere in my working environment indicate understanding the condition of menstruation induced physical discomfort.

When I request assistance, colleagues are always willing to help.

Colleagues help me by sharing the heavy work so I can rest for a while.

I owe my colleague a favor for replacing/assisting me.