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Table 1 Survey

From: Mindfulness as a well-being initiative for future nurses: a survey with undergraduate nursing students

1. Have you heard of mindfulness?


If No, please go directly to question 8.

2. What is your understanding of Mindfulness?

3. Have you engaged in mindfulness practice?


4. If you answered YES to question 3, please describe the mindfulness practice you engaged in.

5. If you have engaged in mindfulness practice, did it help you and how?

6. Do you practice any other meditation/ mind-body practices (e.g. yoga, tai chi)?


7. If you answered YES to question 6, how often do you practice each week?

8. Would you be interested in taking part in a new mindfulness programme with other nursing students?


9. How long do you think a weekly group mindfulness session should be?

A. 45 min

B. 60 min

C. 90 min

D. 2 h

E. Other

10. If you chose OTHER, please explain.

11. How many weeks long should the mindfulness programme be?

A. 4 weeks

B. 5 weeks

C. 6 weeks

D. 8 weeks

E. Other

12. If you chose OTHER, please explain.

13. In addition to the group mindfulness programme, would you be happy to do personal mindfulness practice in your own time?


14. Do you think a student well-being initiative should be part of the nursing curriculum?

15. How do you think mindfulness practice may benefit you as a nurse in clinical practice?

16. Are there any barriers that might prevent you from participating in mindfulness practice?

17. Which of the following do you think may help to facilitate your participation in mindfulness practice?


A. Student champion

B. A Mobile APP

C. Student-led lunchtime meditation sessions

D. Other

18. If you chose OTHER please explain.

19. What is your age group?

A. 18–22 years

B. 23–30 years

C. 31–40 years

D. 41–50 years

E. 50+ years

20. What is your gender?

A. Male

B. Female

C. Other

21. What is your Ethnic Group?

A. White British

B. White Irish

C. Irish Traveller

D. Any other White Background

E. White and Black Caribbean

F. White and Black African

G. White and Asian

H. Any other Mixed/ Multiple Ethnic Background

I. Indian

J. Pakistani

K. Bangladeshi

L. Chinese

M. Any other Asian Background

N. African

O. Caribbean

P. Any other Black Background