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Table 4 Examples of the data analysis

From: Nurse competence in the post-anaesthesia care unit in Sweden: a qualitative study of the nurse’s perspective

Data extract




because even if you have great colleagues and so on, you still have to make pretty quick decisions and...know how to navigate the system, know how you’re supposed to think and so on.

Independent – quick decisions

To be independent

Being adaptable in an ever-changing environment

But often you do know what’s going on and people come and ask, that’s the thing, so I feel that – I suppose that’s also why, I always try to answer questions, give them what they need, because...I think it’s better they come and ask so we all help each other out. But sometimes it’s, of course it’s challenging, I mean sometimes it’s hard to keep up with everything.

Tries to help others and answer questions even when has a lot to do

To work jointly in a team

they get a minor shock when the evening comes and...patients start to pour in and they all have VAS 8 and are feeling awful, then it’s no longer just that simple anymore; you have able to prioritize and work pretty quickly if you want everything to work out well.

Much to do, prioritize

To prioritize and make clinical decisions in a fast pace

Safe. Yeah, but it’s like we talked about, all this, I think, I mean let the patient be involved, the patient has to be a part of his or her care. Not exclude the patient, I mean, you have to involve the patient all the time. Yes...

The patient is part of the care, creates a sense of safety

To acknowledge and reassure the patient

Creating safe care

And here it’s a whole other type of pain relief in a post-anaesthesia care unit, so I found it a bit challenging at first, I must say. I thought “Oh dear, how am I supposed to know how much morphine and what should I supplement with it?

Specialist knowledge in pain

To possess specific knowledge

And you’re prepared for a possible unpleasant surprise? Absolutely, yes, yes. And it’s the same when, say, you have to re-do the epidural and so on, so if there’s no noradrenaline I make sure there’s a syringe containing noradrenaline that’s connected, basically I make sure I’m prepared.

Prepared for possible complications

To anticipate the future and be proactive

You’re like someone who has many answers to questions to those who are...students and new colleagues at a workplace...succeed in teaching them this stuff, basic PACU nursing and not specific to different operations but basic PACU nursing

Expert, sees new colleagues can teach others


Seeing the bigger picture