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Table 2 Evaluation of Pre-S questionnaire and SBA

From: Use of simulation to improve nursing students’ medication administration competence: a mixed-method study


Pre-S questionnaire

Expected interventions in the SBA

Before medication administration

Which of the following drugs poses a serious risk if administered to patient A? (multi-choice question)

Check for allergies, susceptibilities, risks, health status, diagnosis according to nurses and doctors, expected results, possible adverse effects

Before administration, prepare medication and perform proper hand washing. (Yes/No)

Right patient

How would you identify the patient? (open question)

At least, check the patient's name against the ID bracelet. (Yes/No)

Right medication

Which of the following drugs cannot be administered to the patient A? (Two multi-choice questions)

Just before preparing the drug dilution (morphic chloride), what actions should you take to verify that the drug presentation is safe? (Open question)

Select the drug to be administered from different drugs and presentations. (Yes/No)

Right dose

Patient B is prescribed 5 mg of morphic chloride (1 ml 2% ampoules). How many ml of the morphine ampoule are needed?

(Multiple choice question)

Correctly calculate the dose to be administered


Right route

The morphine that you have just prepared should not be administered by which of these routes? (Multiple choice question)

Select appropriate material for drug administration and simulate administration by the appropriate route. (Yes/No)

Right time

An unforeseen event occurs and you must leave the room. Which of the drugs that you must administer to patient A and/or patient B can be delayed for 30 min? (Multiple choice question)

Explicitly show that the time at which the medication must be administered has been checked


Right documentation

Regarding the administration of morphine to patient B, what relevant information should you record in the medical history? (Open question)

On concluding drug administration, record this fact, including the dose and any incident occurring during the administration. (Yes/No)

After medication administration


Monitor the treatment effects, side effects and possible interactions. (Yes/No)