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Table 4 Changes in personal impact between spring and winter 2020

From: Use of digital technologies to combat loneliness and social isolation: a cross-sectional study in Swiss outpatient care during COVID-19 pandemic

Personal impacta

Spring 2020,

Mean (SD); Mdn

Winter 2020,

Mean (SD); Mdn

Test statisticsb


Effect sizec

I was (I’m) afraid of getting infected.

n = 376

3.0 (1.5); 3

2.6 (1.4); 2

Z = − 4.846;

p < .001

Cohen’s dz = 0.32

I felt (feel) confident in using hygiene protection concepts to prevent infection or transmission of the virus,

n = 378

3.2 (1.4); 4

3.8 (1.1); 4

Z = −8.683

p < .001

Cohen’s dz = 0.49

I always kept (keep) my knowledge about the virus up to date.

n = 376

4.3 (1.0); 5

4.1 (1.1); 4

Z = −6.264

p < .001

Cohen’s dz = 0.24

  1. aScale: 1 = disagree to 5 = agree, For spring, the question was asked in past tense and in winter in present tense.,bWilcoxon-test for paired samples; cCohen’s dz: 0.2 a ‘small’, 0.5 a ‘medium’ and 0.8 a ‘large’ effect size; SD=Standard deviation; Mdn = Median