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Table 2 Patient experiences with HbA1c POCT (n = 84) and professional glucose POCT (n = 30): percentage of positive answers*

From: Early experiences with quality-assured HbA1c and professional glucose point-of-care testing in general practice: a cross-sectional observational study among patients, nurses and doctors



Professional glucose

n (%)

n (%)

The GP/nurse gave me clear information about the blood test

82 (99)

30 (100)

I am satisfied with the way the blood test was performed

84 (100)

30 (100)

I prefer this fingerstick blood sampling than the regular elbow blood sampling

78 (93)

26 (87)

I am satisfied with the speed of the blood test result

81 (96)

30 (100)

I have confidence in the blood test result

82 (98)

30 (100)

I like that I do not have to go to the laboratory to perform the test

81 (96)

30 (100)

I experienced the blood test as burdensome**

79 (94)

29 (97)

I want my general practice to continue with this way of blood testing

79 (98)

30 (100)

  1. *Positive answers: answer option 4 ('agree') or 5 ('strongly agree')
  2. ** This item was reverse coded: a positive answer means that the patient did not experience it as burdensome