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Table 1 Literature search strategy

From: Integrated self-management support provided by primary care nurses to persons with chronic diseases and common mental disorders: a scoping review

Key concepts

Research strategy

Support for self-management

TI-AB-SU ((“self-management” OR “self management” OR “self care” OR “self-care” OR “self-help” OR “self help”) N2 (support or education)) OR “collaborative care” OR ((MM “self-management”) OR (MM “self care”) OR (MH “models, nursing”) OR (MH “self concept”) OR (MH “self-assessment”) OR (MH “self-examination”) OR (MH “self administration”) OR (MH “self-control”) OR (MH “self efficacy”)))



TI-AB-SU ((nurs*) OR ((MM “nursing”) OR (MM “nursing care”) OR (MM “nurses”) OR (MM “nurses, community health”) OR (MM “family nurse practitioners”) OR (MM “nurse practitioners”) OR (MM “nurse specialists”) OR (MM “nurse clinicians”)))


Primary care

TI-AB-SU (((primary N2 care) OR “community care” OR “community health service*” OR “ambulatory care”)) OR (MM “primary health care”) OR (MM “primary care nursing”) OR (MM “primary nursing”))