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Table 1 Example search terms for CINAHL

From: Interventions supporting community nurses in the provision of Oral healthcare to people living at home: a scoping review

Component of research question

Search terms

People living in the community

((“Community Setting”) OR “Elderly” OR “Home” OR (“Group Home”) OR ((MH “Assisted Living”)) OR (“Supported Living*”) OR (“Supported Hous*”) OR “Independent*” OR “Shelter*”)

Community nurses

AND ((“Community nurs*”) OR ((MH “Community Health Nursing”)) OR (“Primary Care Nurs*”) OR (“District nurs*”) OR (“Community palliati*”) OR (“specialist nurs*”) OR (“community health*”) OR (“primary health*”) OR (“Public health*” OR (MH “Public Health”)))

Oral health

AND (“Oral*” OR “Dental*” OR (“Dry mouth”) “Carie*” OR ((MH “Tooth”) OR “Tooth*”) OR “Edentulism*” OR “Periodontal*” OR ((MH “Xerostomia”)) OR (“Broken teeth”) OR (“broken tooth”) OR (“missing teeth”) OR (“missing tooth”) OR (“cancer oral”) OR (“cancer of mouth”) OR (“symptoms of oral*”) OR ((MH “Gingivitis”)) OR (“Bleeding gum*”) OR “gum*” OR “pyorrhea*”)