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Table 2 Patient and clinical characteristic, N = 3078

From: A co-created nurse-driven catheterisation protocol can reduce bladder distension in acute hip fracture patients - results from a longitudinal observational study


Year 1,

June 2015-May 2016

Year 2,

June 2016-May 2017

Year 3,

June 2017-May 2018

Year 4,

June 2018-May 2019

Year 5,

June 2019

March 2020


Over the periods

Patients’ characteristics

n = 406

n = 655

n = 700

n = 691

n = 626


Age, years

83.8 (8.0),

85 (79; 90)

84.8 (7.7),

86 (80; 91)

83.9 (8.3),

85 (78; 90)

83.9 (8.3),

85 (78; 90)

83.6 (8.2),

84 (77; 90)


Gender, female

294 (72.4)

446 (68.1)

493 (70.4)

501 (72.5)

443 (70.8)




15 (3.7)

14 (2.1)

11 (1.6)

29 (4.2)

16 (2.6)



165 (40.6)

264 (40.3)

257 (36.7)

286 (41.4)

258 (41.2)



196 (48.3)

333 (50.8)

390 (55.7)

343 (49.6)

312 (49.8)



30 (7.4)

44 (6.7)

42 (6.0)

33 (4.8)

40 (6.4)


Diabetes mellitus

57 (14.0)

105 (16.0)

102 (14.6)

108 (15.6)

104 (16.6)


Clinical characteristics

 Hospital length of stay, days

14.7 (7.2)

14 (10; 17)

13.4 (7.7)

13 (8; 17)

12.2 (6.4)

11 (8; 15)

10.6 (5.2)

10 (7; 13)

9.75 (4.4)

9 (7; 12)

< 0.0001

  1. For categorical variables, n (%) is presented
  2. For continuous variables, the mean (SD)/median (Q1; Q3)/n = is presented
  3. For comparisons between ordered groups, the Mantel-Haenszel chi-square test was used for ordered categorical and dichotomous variables. The Jonckheere-Terpstra test was used for continuous variables