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Table 1 Nurse and Patients’ characteristics

From: Linking patient satisfaction with nursing care: the case of care rationing - a correlational study


Nurses (n = 393)

Patients (n = 352)

Demographic variables

N (%)

Mean (SD)

N (%)

Mean (SD)

Genderª Females

278 (70.1)


119 (33.8)



115 (29.0)


227 (64.5)




34.1 (9.4)


60.3 (18.3)

Experience in nursing (years)


11.4 (9.3)


Experience in current department (years)


5.3 (5.5)


Departmentª Surgical

211 (53.7)b


211 (59.9)b



156 (39.7)b


137 (38.9)b

  1. ªThe total number varies due to missing data; bNumber of participants in each department.