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Table 2 Topics of the information program

From: Preoperative information for ICU patients to reduce anxiety during and after the ICU-stay: protocol of a randomized controlled trial [NCT00151554]

1) standardized part with information to the following aspects:

2) individualized part with detailed information to the specific fears:

- How do you get to the operation theatre and the ICU?

- Who is responsible for you on ICU?

- What are the devices for?

- How does it look like being patient on the ICU?

- What is the probable schedule of the ICU-stay?

- How can you call attention to your needs?

- What else is done for you?

- What can you do if you feel stressed?

- fear of complications

- fear of feeling locked in

- fear of being helpless and dependent on others

- fear of pain

- fear of suffocation

- fear of death or never waking up again

- fear of being lonesome