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Table 1 Parameters and their use in the baseline survey of the Thai Nurse Cohort Study

From: Thai nurse cohort study: cohort profiles and key findings



A. Demographic and socio-economics characteristics


o Thai citizen identification number to be used for ascertainment of morbidity and mortality status in National Health and Death Registry Databases (password protected access)

o Estimating rate of morbidity and mortality for overall and specific to causes or other subgroups

o Simultaneously monitoring long-term changes of morbidity and mortality and their determinants

o Investigating survival outcome (time to disease, disease progression, dead)

o Estimating life expectancy of nurses and its 20 year trends

o Determining long-term effect of various factors on mortality and morbidity

o Reflecting women health status in Thailand

o Birth place (province and district)

o Characterizing geographically distribution of nurses

o Describing work place preference against birth place

o Explaining and predicting Job turnover and retention

o Testing hypotheses about scholarship or other incentives for working in underserved area

o Birth date or age, sex, marital status

o Investigating their effects on job turnover and health statuses

o Month and year of nursing graduation

o Estimating median survival of working in nursing profession

o Month and year of started working and employment status

o Estimating duration of work

o Estimating time gap before employment

o Being a baseline employment for investigation of job turnover

o Investigating its effect on job turnover and health status

o Institute from which being graduated (public college under the Ministry of Public Health, public university, private educational institute)

o Investigating its effect on retention and workplace preference (urban versus rural, and total survival in profession)

o Being a mode for maximizing follow-up rate such as establishing social network among cohort members

o Education (highest level of educational, specialized training, scholarship)

o Determining opportunity of career advancement

o Describing distribution of skilled and skill-mix nursing, comparing between urban and rural

o Investigating effect of scholarship on work retention and nursing distribution

o Economic status (income, debt, perception of income sufficiency, dependency)

o Investigating its effect on job turnover

o Investigating its effect on stress or various health problems as well as health conditions causing the problems

B. Work-life characteristics


B1. Job transition since graduation


o Date start working for each roles or employment

o Type of work: service and non-service (administrative, teaching)

o Leaving nursing for other careers or for un-employ

o Study leave

o Place of work (public versus private, inside versus outside birthplace)

o Characterizing of job transition pattern over working lifetime

o Monitoring of long-term nursing turnover

o Describing distribution of nurses between major sectors

o Determine pattern of job turnover on intention to stay or leave nursing career

o Estimating duration between certain point in time or type of employment and the turnover

o Estimating of work-life expectancy (It was 22 years according to the latest estimate in 2007.)

B2. Employment characteristics and working intensity


o Current employment status (government, private, freelance, others)

o Current position (nursing services, administration, research, academic, others)

o Current workplace category (hospital, health care center or unit, under study leave, others)

o Full time part-time employment,

o Work shift arrangement,

o Work under night shift,

o Working hours per week

o Other job in addition to nursing

o Determine current and long-term trend distribution of nurses according to various type of employments, sectors, and employment status

o Describing working load as determinants of job turnover and health

o Investigating roles of night-evening shift on job turnover and health

o Describing work-life balance profile and its role on job turnover and health

B3. Perceived work stresses (21 items, score 1–4 each)

o Estimating proportion of nurses with work stress

o Investigating its effect on job turnover

o Investigating its effect on various health problems as well as health conditions causing the problems

B4. Workplace violence and occupational injuries


o Physical harassment, psychological harassment, from colleagues, patient and their relatives

o Estimating proportion of nurses facing workplace violence

o Investigating its effect on job turnover

o Occupation injuries: specify: cut wound, needle stick, chemical and radiation injuries,

o Hospital acquired infections e.g. TB, Hepatitis, HIV/AIDS,

o Estimating rate and trend of occupational injuries

o Investigating its effect on job turnover

B5. Intension to leave and to return to nursing career


o Intention to leave nursing profession and the reasons for those currently working in nursing profession

o Estimating probability to leave and predicted duration before quit

o Investigating its effect on job turnover

o Intention and enabling conditions to return to nursing profession for those currently not engaged in nursing profession

o Estimating probability of return to nursing professions, list of potential policy intervention on retention

o Investigating its effect on job turnover

C. Health status and related information


C1. Anthropometrics, daily activities, and sleeping


o Current anthropometric measurements: body weight, height, waist and hip circumference

o Investigating its effect on job turnover

o Investigating its effect on stress or various health problems as well as health conditions causing the problems

o Intensity of daily physical activities (duration of heavy, moderate, walk, sit activities)

o Physical activities at leisure

o Estimating prevalence of regular physical activities, compared to general population

o Investigating roles of physical, diets and cholesterol on various chronic diseases and metabolic syndromes

o Average duration of sleeping per day and frequency of sleeping difficulties

o Investigating its effect on job turnover

o Investigating its effect on stress or various health problems as well as health conditions causing the problems

C2. History and current illness, and self-care activities


o Family members who had history of illness being diagnosed by medical doctor

o Investigating its effect on job turnover

o Investigating its effect on stress or various health problems as well as health conditions causing the problems

o The respondent’s history of illness being diagnosed by medical doctor and whether or not currently under treatment

o Estimating incidence / prevalence and type of chronic illnesses

o Annual physical checkup being done and their results with regard to breast self examination, cervical cancer screening, chest film, blood examination, lipid measurements, etc.)

o Describing health awareness

o Estimating proportion of nurses who had certain problems regarding various laboratory findings, health measurements, or diseases

o Health care services being utilized by the respondent during the last 12 months

o Investigating health profiles

o Hospitalization during the last 12 months

o Investigating health profiles

o Medication used during the last 30 days

o Investigating health profiles

o Self assessment of health in the last 30 days based on EuroQol five-dimension questionnaire (EQ-5D)

o Estimating level of health status according to self-perceptions

o Reproductive health for female respondents (pregnancies, delivery, and family planning methods)

o Estimating total fertility rate among nurse, infertility, prevalence and profile