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Table 2 Descriptive statistics: independent and dependent variables (n = 125)

From: Rationing of nursing care interventions and its association with nurse-reported outcomes in the neonatal intensive care unit: a cross-sectional survey

Independent variables

Mean ± SD

 Care Rationing (NEWRI)a

  Life support and technology-oriented nursing care

1 · 53 ± 0 · 57

  Patient surveillance

1 · 67 ± 0 · 69

  Parental teaching, support, and infant comfort care

2 · 20 ± 0 · 59

  Discharge preparation

2 · 33 ± 0 · 59

Dependent variables

 Readiness for hospital discharge (RHDS)b – overall score

6 · 81 ± 0 · 93

 Neonatal pain controlc

2 · 91 ± 1 · 06

  1. Abbreviations: NEWRI Neonatal Extent of Work Rationing Instrument, RHDS Readiness for Hospital Discharge Scale – Nurse Form, SD standard deviation
  2. aScores on the NEWRI’s subscales range from 1 (very rarely) to 4 (very often); bScores on the RHDS – Nurse Form range from 0 (not ready) to 11 (totally ready); cNeonatal pain control was measured using a single-item scale asking nurses to rate their overall perception that neonatal pain was well managed on their unit over the past month. This scale ranged from 0 (strongly agree) to 5 (strongly disagree)