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Table 2 Reasons as to why the respondents do not fill alarm checklists

From: Assessment of nurses interventions in the Management of Clinical Alarms in the critical care unit, Kenyatta National Hospital, a cross sectional study


Frequency (n)

Percentage (%)

1. No alarm checklists have been provided in the unit and there are no protocols stating that they have to fill alarm checklists


 • The issue had not been highlighted in the unit

 • The checklists are out of stock

 • Monitors record the events of the alarms



2. Other reasons as to why they do not fill alarm checklists

 • They do not have the nursing materials or paperwork

 • The amount of work in CCU is too much

 • The alarm trends are indicated in the monitor if need be for retrieving

 • Has not been considered or thought of in CCU

 • It is not the norm or practice

 • They occasionally fill when there is change in patients’ condition

 • Heavy workload and staff shortage

 • No provision in the nursing charts

 • Not provided but I take necessary action

 • Nurses have not been taught the importance of maintaining alarm checklists

 • Shortage of monitors or mechanical ventilators and

 • There is no facilitation for alarm checklist filling.

