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Table 1 Equivalence Criteria for Cross-Cultural Research with Instruments

From: Hospital survey on patient safety culture (HSOPSC): a multi-method approach for target-language instrument translation, adaptation, and validation to improve the equivalence of meaning for cross-cultural research




Content Equivalence

The content of each item of the instrument is relevant to the phenomena of each culture being studied.

— Research Team Experts.

— Clinical Practice Experts.

— Subject Matter Experts.

— Content validity index score.

— Annotated survey dimension document.

Semantic Equivalence

The meaning of each item is the same in each culture after translation into the language and idiom (written or oral) of each culture.

— Translation guide from AHRQ.

— Qualified / experienced translators.

— Forward- and reverse-translation.

— Pilot test (cultural relevance & readability).

— Confirmation of translation: Cognitive interviews and expert reviews.

Technical Equivalence

The method of assessment is comparable in each culture with respect to the data that it yields.

— Translation guide from AHRQ

— Experienced translators.

— Subject Matter Experts.

— Pilot test (evaluation scores).

— Cognitive interviews.

Criterion Equivalence

The interpretation of the measurement of the variable remains the same when compared with the norm for each culture studied.

— Research Team Experts.

— Subject Matter Experts.

— Pilot test (evaluation scores).

— Cognitive interviews.

Conceptual Equivalence

The instrument is measuring the same theoretical construct in each culture.

— Translation guide from AHRQ.

— Qualified / experienced translators.

— Forward- and reverse-translation.

— Item to dimension selection/match.

— Dual scoring process with content validity index and pilot test..

  1. Adapted from Squires et al. [63], and Flaherty et al. [50]