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Table 6 Health care professionals’ perception of nursing and midwifery by gender as reported by nurses/midwives

From: Professional image of nursing and midwifery in East Africa: an exploratory analysis

Doctors’ and other health care professionals’ image and perception of nursing and midwifery

Strongly disagree / Disagree (n, %)

Not Sure (n, %)

Strongly Agree/ Agree (n, %)







I feel respected and valued in my work as a nurse and/or midwife

65 (35.1)

87 (28.2)

17 (9.2)

20 (6.5)

103v (55.7)

202 (65.4)

Medical doctors have a high regard for nurses and/or midwives

104 (56.2)

140 (45.3)

17 (9.2)

31 (10.0)

64 (34.6)

138 (44.7)

Other health professionals have a high regard for nurses and/or midwives

71 (39.0)

117 (38.0)

32 (17.6)

48 (15.6)

79 (43.4)

143 (46.4)

Medical doctors regard nurses and/or midwives as equal partners in patient care

116 (63.7)

183 (59.2)

15 (8.2)

25 (8.1)

51 (28.0)

101 (32.7)

Advancing my nursing/midwifery knowledge and competencies improves my image as a nurse and/or midwife

11 (6.0)

15 (4.9)

1 (0.6)

4 (1.3)

170 (93.4)

289 (93.8)

Nurses and/or midwives have autonomy in making decisions regarding patient care

80 (44.0)

115 (37.6)

12 (6.6)

18 (5.9)

90 (49.5)

173 (56.5)

Collaboration between physicians and nurses and/or midwives improves patient health outcomes

6 (3.3)

10 (3.3)

1 (0.6)

0 (0.00)

175 (96.2)

298 (96.8)