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Table 2 Migration-related aspects reported by internationally trained nurses

From: Internationally trained nurses and host nurses’ perceptions of safety culture, work-life-balance, burnout, and job demand during workplace integration: a cross-sectional study

Reasons to migrate to Germany (a)

n = 64 (100)

Better Working Conditions

27 (18.0)

Higher Standard of Living

27 (18.0)

Professional Development

21 (14.0)

Career Opportunities

20 (13.3)

Higher Income

17 (11.3)

Personal Safety

17 (11.3)

Opportunities for family members

10 (6.7)

Learning Opportunities

8 (5.3)

Better Future

2 (1.3)

No answer

1 (0.7)

With whom did you migrate to Germany?


53 (82.8)


5 (7.8)


2 (3.1)

 No answer

4 (6.3)

How did you migrate?

 Mediated by an agency

53 (82.8)

 Personal initiative

8 (12.5)

 No answer

3 (4.7)

Length of time living in Germany?

 between 0 and 12 months

35 (54.7)

 between 12 and 24 months

22 (34.4)

 more than 24 months

5 (7.8)

 No answer

2 (3.1)

CEFR – German language proficiency


17 (26.6)


37 (57.8)


5 (7.8)


2 (3.1)

 I don’t know

1 (1.6)

 No answer

2 (3.1)

  1. (a) Multiple responses possible