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Table 1 Data analysis steps and actions taken

From: The nurse without a nurse: the antecedents of presenteeism in nursing


Actions taken

Step 1

Transcribing interviews

After each interview, the first author (MMM) listened to the recorded audio file within 24 h and transcribed it verbatim into Persian.

Step 2

Gaining general sense

Each interview text was read and re-read to make sense of the data in general to make sense of the data.

Step 3

Recording and reviewing interpretive notes

To understand the meaning of the data, the initial ideas were recorded and reviewed in interpretive notes.

Step 4

Identification of units of analysis and their coding

Sentences and paragraphs that were meaningful in relation to the research questions were identified and inductively coded.

Step 5

Formation of categories and subcategories

The codes were compared based on differences and similarities and sorted into emerging categories and subcategories. The formed codes and classes were reviewed by the second and third authors (ND and SV) until a consensus was reached.

Step 6


After the final results emerged, the text was translated from Persian into English by an external translator.

Step 7

Reviewing and modifying translated text

The translated text was reviewed by MMM, and final modifications and consensus were reached.