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Table 2 Examples of questions used to guide the focus group

From: Virtual patient simulation to improve nurses’ relational skills in a continuing education context: a convergent mixed methods study

• I’d like to hear about what led up to your participation.

 ° How did you hear about the project?

 ° What motivated you to take part?

 ° How did you get the idea of participating in the simulation?

• In the survey you filled out, everyone agreed or strongly agreed that participating in the virtual simulation was a useful learning experience for their ongoing professional development. How was the simulation useful in your respective work contexts? What did you gain from it?

• What are the strengths of this simulation? What are its weaknesses or areas that could be improved?

• In your opinion, what could explain why some people did not finish their participation in the simulation? What difficulties did you yourself encounter?

• What tangible effects did your participation in the simulation have on your practice? What do you take away from this training activity?