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Table 1 Experimental Group vs Control Group Syllabi

From: Effectiveness of applying clinical simulation scenarios and integrating information technology in medical-surgical nursing and critical nursing courses


Experimental group: Innovative instruction

Control group: Conventional instruction


Every course unit follows a topic scenario, each session was 30–90 min long with a total instruction time of 188 h

Instructor’s role

Teaching materials were made with innovative strategies and uploaded to a digital platform; intelligent tools and mobile applications were used to interact with students during class sessions

Only slide presentations and videos were used during class; interaction with students were limited to lecture and questions; no on-line materials were provided for students

Student’s role

Students could learn and interact with instructors through either on-line platform or mobile applications both during and after class

Students could only attend lectures during class sessions.

Teaching strategy

1. Lectures

2. Flipped classrooms

3. Group discussions

4. ITII: SPOCs, Zuvio, advanced simulator, smart Little Anne QCPR manikin, AED, Moodle, LINE

5. Practical: clinical simulation scenario


1. Lectures

2. Group discussions

3. Multimedia: Slide presentations and videos


1. Body fluid and electrolyte imbalance care

2. Respiratory system disease care and respiratory tract treatment

3. Cardiovascular disease care

4. Introduction to basic life-saving skills/advanced heart-saving surgeries

5. Shock, sepsis, and multiple organ failure care

6. Endocrine disorder care

7. Nervous system disease care

8. Urinary system disease care

1. Body fluid and electrolyte imbalance care

2. Cardiovascular disease care

3. Myocardial infarction and emergency care

4. First-aid cardiopulmonary resuscitation

5. Shock care

6. Endocrine system disease care

7. Nervous system disease care

8. Urinary system disease care


Summative performance in medical and surgical nursing, medical and surgical nursing labs, and medical and surgical nursing internships as well as OSCE performance under different simulated scenarios and situational awareness