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Table 1 Categories and Sub-categories. The analysis identified four categories that resonated across all participants in the focus group interviews: 1. understanding one’s own role in the huddle; 2. encouraged to speak up; 3. a flexible learning tool; and 4. authentic but not always realistic.

From: Using the ‘huddle’ to enhance interprofessional teamwork among nursing students through a podcast: a qualitative and exploratory pilot study



Understanding one’s own role in the huddle

• Clearer picture of how to communicate and cooperate

• Insight into what a huddle includes

• Proud of own profession and role

• Own role is more clear

• Collaboration with physicians

• Voice as the patient’s advocate

Encouraged to speak up

• Reduce anxiety and diminish stress

• Insecurity about expectation

• Assumed the physicians know best

• Speak with greater confidence

A flexible learning tool

• Useful and relevant

• Easy to use

• Listen to everywhere

• Listened to before and after the huddles

• Listened to before and during the clinical placement

• Used as reassurance

Authentic but not always realistic

• Ideal versus real life- more in-depth than huddles in practice

• Beneficial to outline the patient cases

• Starting with ice breaker between the professional groups