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Table 1 Teaching goals and objectives

From: Nurse-led decision coaching by specialized nurses for healthy BRCA1/2 gene mutation carriers - adaptation and pilot testing of a curriculum for nurses: a qualitative study

Module 1: Basics of evidence-based decision making and evidence-based patient information



Educational strategies

 Nurses critically reflect the model of informed choice regarding their personal and work experiences.

• Informed choice

• Patient narrative: think, pair, share-method

 Nurses describe and compare the different patient participation models paternalism, shared decision-making and the autonomous decision model for medical decision making.

• Models of medical decision making and patient participation: Paternalism, shared decision-making and autonomous decision model

• Lecture

 Nurses acquire essential communication skills for decision coaching such as teach back and dealing with emotional situations.

• Dialogue techniques

• Attentive listening during pauses of dialogue

• Confidence building measures

• Setting of communication

• Dealing with emotions

• Summarizing adequately

• Teach back

• Lecture

• Role plays (experienced learning)

 Nurses deal with risks for their psychosocial strain in their professional field and the prevention of burn out.

• Psycho hygiene

• Prevention of burn out

• Lecture

• Exercise

 Nurses identify the necessity of randomized controlled trials to proof the efficacy of an intervention and explain quality criteria of randomized controlled trials.

• Randomized controlled trials (example efficacy of vitamin D intake for cancer prevention)

• Risk of bias and its prevention

• Group work and lecture

 Nurses describe evidence-based medical guidelines as an implementation tool of evidence-based knowledge for practitioners using the example of the German breast cancer guideline (S3).

• Guideline

• Grades of recommendation

• Level of evidence

• Lecture

 Nurses appraise commonly available patient information material with the criteria of evidence-based health information and their appropriateness to support informed decision making.

• Criteria of evidence-based health information

• Lecture, exercise, discussion

 Nurses communicate the probabilities of benefits and harms for preventive options as well as predictive values in a comprehensible manner for patients according to the criteria of evidence-based health information.

• Relative risk

• Absolute risk

• Relative risk reduction

• Positive and negative predictive values (example magnetic resonance imaging)

• Uncertainty underlying the evidence

• Lecture, exercises, role plays

Module 2: Shared decision-making and decision coaching



Educational strategies

 Nurses elucidate the distinct steps of decision coaching.

• Exploration of decision needs such as knowledge gaps, unclear values, lacking support or uncertainty

• Provision of support such as health information, value clarification, enhancement of support from others and resources

• Lecture

 Nurses conduct a simulated decision coaching using prompt cards, the decision guidance, the fact sheets and the decision aid and give feedback to each other.

• Decision coaching

• Role play with peers and simulated patients

 Nurses take part in gene diagnostic boards and patient physician consultations and emphasize their role in the inter-professional team.

• Understanding of gene diagnostic test results and their interpretation

• Overview of the center’s procedures and the decision-making process.

• Gain an insight into mutation carriers’ motives to opt for preventive measure or to do not and women’s different coping strategies.

• Nurse’s role in the inter-professional team

• Initial training plan; discussion